Year in Review 2023

Year in Review 2023


2023. Whew. What to say about this year? Honestly? I feel like my family is entering a new season and man is it a busy one. I actually tell myself on a weekly basis “Okay…after this week, things chill out. We’ll have a minute to breath.”. Spoiler-things have NOT chilled out. Not an iota. Though it is busy-I love what we’re experiencing now. Before my husband and I had our own children, I was mostly unable to picture what motherhood would look like for me. Except for this bit. I always pictured a house overrun with my kids and their friends, a mini van full of LIFE driving here to there and then back again. Coolers stuffed with drinks and snacks, bags full of sporting gear and other various activity supplies. This fantasy idea of ‘my family’ that I had long ago is now my life. That feels pretty damn great.

Not only that, I have really had the chance this year to stretch out my old bones and remember that I am an actual real life person outside of my mothering journey. I have gotten out of my comfort zone and begun to rediscover myself. I’ve tried new thing just for me, which resulted in incredible experiences just for me. I made commitments just for me, crushed goals Made friendships a priority, just for me. It’s been a looong time and you know what? It feels pretty damn great.

Honestly? I needed this year. It was good for me. It has made me a better person. It has made me a better mother. It has breathed life back into my soul. And….when you’re growing….you don’t always have the strength to cover all of your bases all of the time (more honesty-I think “doing it all” is a hella toxic concept but that’s for another day). So, I leave 2023 behind feeling at peace. Feeling good. Content.

And….feeling like this wasn’t my strongest birth worker year. Feeling like I could have shown up louder on some of your journeys. The uncomfortable throb that is that truth, that’s what tells me I can still take up this space. I can still, in good conscience, accept the honor that is being welcomed into your most sacred of spaces time and time again. I care. I still strive to be better. My heart is still open to being molded in the way that each of your unique experiences changes me, and the way I serve others. I just needed a minute for me. I hope you understand.

I can see now that this was my year. I can honor myself enough to really know that that’s okay. We’re humans after all. Your doulas and birth photographers, teachers and trash collectors, neighbors and strangers….all just humans trying to live our life and love each other as best we can while we chill on a massive rock that floats in an endless void. I can’t wait to do weird shit with all of you in 2024.


Hello, Jess here. I am unsure how to sum up my 2023 year of births without everyone concerned that I have purchased a one-way ticket across the world and will live with an ancient jungle tribe, never to be heard from again. I had to ask myself several times this year if I was okay still doing this work. Perhaps the fact I had some insanely long and challenging situations in the middle really drained me. The longest births I have ever attended happened to me this year. I had an over 35, over 30, and over 24 hour birth, all in a row at one point.

This new year marks my 10th anniversary of training and attending my first doula birth. I did not have any long-term goals or expectations when I started birth work. It’s been a rewarding career path but not easy for myself or sometimes my family. I’ve been taking birth clients full-time straight since moving here in 2015. That’s many years of always having a phone on, dropping everything if I need to go, and planning my life at least 6 months in advance. Having a partnership with Kate eases the burden, and I know I would have hung up my hat already if it wasn’t for that. Still, it definitely doesn’t eliminate any of the above. I never see any families I serve as a number or a paycheck. I know your work shouldn’t get too personal, but how do you not when you are a doula? I am emotionally invested in your well-being during your time with us and well after. I may not always remember your partner’s name, but I remember every birthing parent, even the ones Kate attends the births for. It weighs on me heavily when your births are traumatic, or you have a rough postpartum period, or if I see you struggling in life years later. I can handle difficult birth situations in the moment very, very well at this point in my doula career. Still, it adds to the layers I carry forever, and sometimes it is pretty exhausting.

It’s been 8 years since our family moved to Pittsburgh. I am perhaps in a place now in my life I can finally say it’s home. I would miss it if we left. I don’t completely fall apart anymore wanting to run back to the West. So I think this is a huge step! My children are getting older and it has also been freeing to see them become more independent. We have built a beautiful life here in the Burgh.

What does my 2024 look like? Well, I am and still will be a birth photographer and doula, but Kate and I are taking a break in the Summer. I really need it. I need to run away for a month out West, and turn off my phone and my mind for the majority of the Summer. I hope stepping back for 3 months will give me some clarity and make me feel rejuvenated to move forward. I’m hoping we will have a wonderful human-milk feeding event this year! It will be our 6th one. I’d also like to see us have another picnic with our former clients in 2024. Thank you for following and supporting our business all these years.

2023 Birth Highlights

Wham, Bam, and Done!

How Fast Can I Put My Camera Together At a Stop-Light?

Love Above All

Not What We Expected

Birthing in Red Sneakers

A Planned Healing Cesarean Delivery

RainbowS on A Sunny Day

Hands-off and Perfect

Partner Delivers Babe!

New Years Eve Extravaganza!

Home Sweet Home

Hat Trick!

New Beginnings

Twists and Turns

Sweet Connections

Nevertheless, she will persist

Happy to be here

As per usual our families privacy wishes are our number one priority. All images shared here and across our social media pages are shared with the blessing of each family. Not all families we serve wish to share their intimate images and that is something we will always fully support.

With love and thanks,

Kate and Jess

A Home Birth Visual in Pittsburgh

A Home Birth Visual in Pittsburgh